Dreaming of you

Clothes rack Tati from Asplund. Swan Chair by Arne Jacobsen.
Inspiration via Lotta Agaton.

Dreaming of better storage and nice furnitures where we can 
put our clothes. I'd love to have these two beauties in our future,
hopefully, bigger bedroom. Right now our bedroom is devided in two
and A has her own corner with all of her toys, books and
clothes gathered.

We live in an apartment on 54 square meters, which is
starting to feel a bit small. All our storage spaces are stuffed
with things. So we've started thinking about moving. But where to?
We are torn between three quite different alternatives. Perhaps we'll
move up north, buy and restaure a big old house in Västerbotten with
original wooden floors and fireplace. It's some how my
dream image. F's too.

An other option is to live poor for a few years and save 
lots of money to build our own dream house. F is soon graduating at 
Royal Institution of Technology and gets his degree in Master of Sience, 
 alignment Housing Structures. We'd love to make our own floor plans 
that'd fit our needs perfectly. Really close to our dream
image too.

Our third option, which feels more like the next step,
is to buy a bigger apartment here in Stockholm or perhaps Umeå
until we've figured out where we really want to settle down.


2 kommentarer:

  1. Vi vill också flytta, vi kan bo på samma yta men vill ha en bostadsrätt där vi kan renovera och få det som vi vill. I ena stunden håller vi på att köpa en lägenhet och nästa stund åker vi och tittar på hus ute på landet. Får se vad det blir till slut men resan dit är rätt rolig den med :)

    Jag vill att ni flyttar till Umeå! Sov gott

  2. flytta hit flytta hit!
