Back in the game

A summery of yesterdays activities:
Went out for some second hand shopping, 220 SEK for
all the things up to the right including the neck lace to
the left. Pic from the apartment with two dancing queens.

I had an awsome night yesterday, my sister is just the
best and we have so much fun together, probably because 
we have such similar minds. Perhaps not that strange 
being raised by the same parents and all.

My friend Sofia invited us to a lovely dinner,
she's one of those friends who always teach me something
new about cooking. Yesterday she served a sauce to the food 
which was SO good, with lots of ginger in it. Yum! I just 
have to steel that recepy next time we meet.

We left the dinner early because we were going out 
to see the band Little Dragon, who I really like. But when
we sat on the subway we felt like we'd made a bit of a mistake 
because we've had such a fun time with Sofia and Linn. 

Anyways, when we got to the gig it was a line with people
for about 100 metres and really freezing outside so we just
left and went back to the apartment, where we had lots of fun,
sipping on cinnamon whiskey surrounded by great people.

Thanks' mum and dad for giving us such free wills,
and to be able to follow our guts intsead of what's planned.


1 kommentar:

  1. m & p14.2.12

    Ja, hur svårt kan det va, med att fostra Dig och Din syster! Kloka och fina människor är vad Ni är. Kramar från mor & far.
