
Christmas gift from my (to be) mother in law.
Pics'. Kastehelmi by Ittala, via It's a house.

We're making some plans for A's upcoming birthday, which is in 
about a month now. I think that I'll make these lovely crackers from 
the book by Mia Öhrn who makes the sweetest sweets. There will also
be cacepops and a birtday cake of course. But I haven't decided what
cake to do yet. Any one with creative suggestions?

We are going to make a video for A with clips from her first year, 
I'm a lousy film maker so I've managed to cover the microfon several 
times during the film clips but we'll just have to fix that somehow,
perhaps some background music will do the trick. I think she'll love
to look at a video of her self as a baby. I can barley wait.

I'd also like to have a new plate for the birthday cake and
what'd fit better than this one from Kastehelmi above? We'll
see about that though.

Sleep tight. 

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